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PE and Sports Premium

PE and Sports Premium

We aim to provide a variety of opportunities for children to develop their skills in PE as part of our curriculum. This includes through the use of specialist external providers alongside the provision from our teachers.

In years 3-6, children have the opportunity to have swimming lessons at Bridport Leisure Centre for ten weeks each year. Particularly due to our coastal location, we feel strongly that swimming and confidence in the water are key life skills.

We look at how we can encourage children to be active in different ways. We have an annual Active Week, where we give children the opportunity to try different activities. In the past this has included bouldering, lawn bowls, yoga, extreme frisbee and active drumming.

Sports Premium Grant
The PE and Sports Premium is designed to help primary schools improve the quality of the PE and sport activities they offer their pupils. How we plan to use this grant and our review of the impact is outlined in the documents below:

PE and Sports Premium 2022-23

Charmouth Primary School

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