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The following documents outline our long-term curriculum plans.  Each of these documents outline the intent of each subject and how we implement our curriculum at Charmouth Primary School.

We are striving for a curriculum that:

  • Is precisely designed and clearly identifies substantive knowledge and disciplinary knowledge.  This knowledge is taught in clearly identified small steps.
  • Develops a culture of excitement, engagement and enthusiasm by placing a strong emphasis on good lesson design.  
  • Builds cultural capital that allows all children to have rich experiences that enhance their access to the curriculum.
  • Addresses the needs of all children, including those with SEND.
  • Sets our children up for life.

In accordance with the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Needs and Disability Regulations 2014, the learning in each subject is provided for all pupils in the school, including those with special educational needs. Lesson planning by teachers and subject leaders ensures that learning is accessible for all: agile, adaptive approaches to learning allow all learners to focus upon the most important small steps in each lesson.

Please also see our SEND information and policy and the First Federation SEND information and Equality policy.

Click the links below to see the long-term plans for each subject: 

Art and Design Computing Design and Technology 
Geography  History French 
Music PSHE Science
























Charmouth Primary School

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