Our Vision
At Charmouth Primary School, we aim to create a dynamic and inclusive writing environment where every child develops a love for writing and confidently expresses their creativity. Through engaging and varied writing activities, we strive to develop technical skills in spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Our ultimate goal is to empower children to take pride in their work, become confident writers, and use writing to connect with others in meaningful ways.
The Writing Process
Our writing process is underpinned by high-quality texts that guide and inspire pupils’ learning. Pupils study the same key text over a period of weeks (with shorter poetry units as an exception), using it to explore writing styles, literary devices, and grammatical concepts. Skills are explicitly taught, demonstrated, and practised in isolation before being applied to longer pieces of writing.
Curriculum Structure
Writing is organised into long-term plans that ensure progression, repetition, and mastery of skills. Pupils revisit key concepts throughout the year, with initial exposures shown in red, second exposures in amber, and further exposures in green. This cyclical approach helps pupils consolidate their learning over time.
Inspiration and Engagement
Each writing unit begins with an engaging ‘hook’ lesson to inspire creativity. This might involve storytelling, drama, props, or visual prompts. These hooks ensure pupils are immersed in their learning and motivated to write.
Writing Across the Curriculum
Opportunities for writing are woven into other subjects, allowing pupils to apply their skills in different contexts and genres. This cross-curricular approach reinforces the importance and relevance of writing in all areas of learning.
Writing is assessed continuously, with extended pieces used to inform termly judgments. Teachers use assessment criteria based on the Primary National Curriculum to evaluate progress and identify areas for improvement.